In line with the development of Kepler Cheuvreux Corporate Finance, the Group has decided to reinforce this activity by making a new strategic recruitment:
Laurent Lépinay as Managing Director – Head of Corporate Finance Market Solutions, based in Paris. Before joining Kepler Cheuvreux, Laurent gained significant product experience and demonstrated his appetite for business with an entrepreneurial spirit. He started his career as an Equity Derivatives Analyst at Exane and rapidly joined the Convertible desk team of the brokerage firm in Paris and in Geneva. He then moved to Deutsche Bank, where he established the Convertible activity in France, before acting as Head of CB sales in Hong Kong for Asia and Japan. He then joined Natixis to head their Convertible Sales & Research business and moved to Equity Capital Market to head the International ECM effort for 4 years. He was most recently Head of Development of Praexo, a French Saas company that developed a digital platform dedicated to improving relations between listed companies and investors.
His responsibilities cover the Equity-Linked and Equity Line origination, as well as the promotion of Sponsored Research and Liquidity Contracts for Small and Mid-Caps.
Laurent graduated from the ESCP Business School.