We have already been able to donate € 500 000 to the charitable organisations below:
Sempre con Voi (Italy) | 55 000 | AP-HP (France) | 41 667 |
Croce Rossa (Italy) | 70 000 | Positive Planet France | 41 667 |
Cruz Roja (Spain) | 87 500 | Les Restos du Cœur (France) | 41 666 |
Caritas (Spain) | 37 500 | Barts Charity (UK) | 125 000 |
Charitable organisations
Please see the Appendix below for a description of the Beneficiaries. Our intention is that the Foundation will endure beyond the immediate crisis of COVID 19, so the beneficiaries will evolve over time.
The reactions from the fund-raising teams within these charities have been very enthusiastic. In each case, the KC Foundation’s name will be credited on their web-sites / communications. In some cases we will look to see if we can help the charity in other practical ways.
The Foundation is still very much open to donations: Kepler Cheuvreux continues to contribute € 50 000 per month; the next step is to solicit donations from our clients and corporates under research coverage and we began an internal campaign to start this process on 7th July.
Thank you for interest and support ! If you have any comments or questions, please send them to: [email protected]
Best regards,
Robert Buller Secretary, on behalf of the Kepler Cheuvreux Foundation
Appendix 1: Description of the Beneficiaries (first round of disbursements, June 2020)
Sempre Con Voi: The fund was established by the Italian Civil Protection with the support of the Della Valle family (Tods) to help the families of doctors and healthcare workers who lost their lives in the fight against COVID-19. The Della Valle family donated € 5m. The goal of the fund was to provide immediate support to the families impacted by the loss of their loved ones. Having achieved its goal, the fund was closed for new donations at the end of June.
AP-HP: The Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris teams have been on the front line since the start of the epidemic. They conduct screening, care and research at the same time. To support them, the AP-HP Foundation has created an emergency fund. The donations will be used to support AP-HP teams to improve the organization of care and research in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic and in anticipation of other crises that may arise.
Croce Rossa: The Italian Red Cross has been in the front line since the beginning of the alert regarding COVID-19, taking multiple actions such as emergency response, health services, psychological support, logistics, raise awareness campaigns, screenings, and giving substantial support for crucial activities to help fight against the outbreak that is putting Italy in a very difficult situation.
Cruz Roja: Cruz Roja Española has been the main NGO responding to the needs created by Covid 19 in Spain.With over 40,000 volunteers, it is providing support to vulnerable people, elderly people, supporting also the Public Sanitary system, etc. It has provided, so far, all kind of assistance, from sanitary, to emergencies, social inclusion, etc. to over 2 075 000 people.
Caritas: Caritas-Spain is the official confederation of the social and charitable action organisations of the Catholic Church in Spain, it was established in 1947. The NGO is actively supporting the most vulnerable and impacted segments of population and has a broad impact in Spain.
Positive Planet France: Positive Planet France contributes to positive business creation. Since 2006, Positive Planet France has created 41 branches in France. In more than 10 years the NGO has contributed to create 8 700 jobs and 7 500 companies. A society is “positive” when it develops initiatives that are viable for the economy, ecologically sustainable, socially fair and respectful of the principles of good governance. We have been assured that our donation will go towards helping entrepreneurs from socially disadvantaged backgrounds to set up their business in the post COVID environment.
Les Restos du Cœur: Founded by Coluche in 1985, Restos du Cœur’s aim is to help and provide voluntary assistance to the poor, particularly in the food sector through access to free meals, and through participation in their social and economic integration, as well as in any action against poverty in all its forms.
Barts Charity: St. Bart’s teaching hospital – Bart’s is the big City of London teaching hospital and the nearest hospital to the KC London office.
Donations received in support of the COVID-19 appeal will pay for well-being initiatives such as wash kits, relaxation rooms and psychological support for staff working long hours in challenging environments while away from home and family. They are funding the production of 3D-printed PPE visors to protect staff. Donations will also be used to support initiatives for patients and families, such as iPads so that isolated patients are able to speak to their families via video call.