This US Thanksgiving, Thursday 25th November 2021, Kepler Cheuvreux held its 2nd Kepler Cheuvreux Charity Trading Day. Thanks to the mobilisation of our Equity Brokerage employees and clients, we have raised €371,00 of donations.

Money raised from the Charity Trading Day will be donated to our anchor projects across Europe which focus on the nurturing, protection & education of young people: Hôpital Necker-Enfants, The children’s oncology and radiology department of Universitäts Klinikum Frankfurt (University Hospital Frankfurt), The Buzzi Foundation, Fundación Soñar Despierto (España), Fundación El Sueño de Vicky, The Charlie Waller Trust, MQ Mental Health Research, Het Vergeten Kind, Fondation Pelicano, MOT Norge et Friends.